Wednesday, August 20, 2008

v0.92 Changelog

Version 0.92 was primarily a fix and balance version. From .90b to .91, we had intended to increase the xp gained from hero kills slightly, but a typo in the adjusting made heroes suddenly give 4 times as much xp. The 300% bonus is now fixed to 30% bonus (so it is still 1.3 times the xp gain from .90b).

Also, a rather inconvenient glitch occurred when the Dark Ranger was near some of the newer heroes; its Last Reprisal was being triggered by "dummy" units conceived to exist only to help out with spells, and not affect gameplay otherwise. This problem has been fixed.

The Bandit had several changes: its two normal spells both have significantly increased damage, and an issue was fixed for the Grappling Hook. Vigor was replaced with Avoid, which gives the Bandit a chance to evade damage from incoming spells or attacks.

Shadow Lich's Wisdom of the Dead passive was completely remade, now giving bonus intelligence temporarily upon killing a unit. This raises the potential damage capacity on its Dark Impact and Winter's Bane spells.

Many other heroes received balancing as well, and their abilities have all been kept. Footman was the most affected, with 3 ability nerfs.

A few heroes have new proper names and 3 have new hero names. The gold splitting function for leaver gold was fixed, and allrandom (-ar) mode now works traditionally, giving out 1 hero at a time.

v0.92 Changelog

-decreased xp from hero kills dramatically
-decreased gold lost on death (200 + 40x level to 100 + 40x level)
-items sold from leaver heroes now split gold to allies
-leavers now give their gold to allied players still in the game
-Allrandom mode (-ar) now gives out heroes in order rather than all at once

-fixed hero revive tooltip typo
-fixed Demolish tooltip typo on Siege Form
-fixed Grappling Hook to hook properly
-fixed Last Reprisal to not activate on dummies from Exploding Arrow, Life Orb, Maelstrom, and Silk Trail
-fixed Nether Fire to slow movespeed instead of attack speed
-fixed Rage to deal physical damage instead of exact damage
-fixed This For That tooltip typo

-buffed Hematologist stats slightly
-nerfed Spider agility slightly
-nerfed War Golem stats slightly

-added a 25 gold bounty for destroying Peon towers; improved their attack speed by 20%

-replaced Vigor with Avoid: gives a chance to evade magical or physical damage

-reworked Wisdom of the Dead: gives temporary bonus int on kills

-nerfed Cold Sword to slow only movespeed, improved its duration slightly (2 to 3 sec)
-buffed Crossbow Mastery damage multiplier (1.5/2/2.5/3 to 1.75/2.25/2.75/3.25)
-nerfed Culling Blade stun duration (2/2.5/3/3.5 to 2 sec), improved non-fatal damage slightly (150/200/250/300 to 150/225/300/375)
-improved Essense of the Dead aoe (800 to 900)
-nerfed Gush stun duration at max level (2/2.5/3/3.5 to 3 sec)
-improved Grappling Hook initial damage (40/80/120/160/200 to 55/110/165/220/275)
-nerfed Holy Shock damage (15/30/45/60/75 to 12/24/36/48/60), damage increase (8/16/24/32/40% to 6/12/18/24/30%)
-nerfed Hyperdimensional Warp stun duration (2/2.75/3.5/4.25 to 2/2.5/3/3.5 sec)
-nerfed Nether Fire dps (5/10/15/20/25 to 3/6/9/12/15)
-improved Plunder Bolt damage (25/50/75/100/125 to 40/80/120/160/200)
-nerfed Purify cooldown (12 to 20/18/16/14/12 sec)
-nerfed Rage mana cost (20 to 25), damage to self (100% str instead of 20% str)
-nerfed Spirit Bear hp (600/1200/1800/2400/3000 to 600/1150/1700/2250/2800), also its Bash chance (25% to 20%)
-improved This For That cast range (800 to 900)
-nerfed Vampiricism chance (15% to 10%), increased multiplier (2/3/4/5 to 2.5/3.5/4.5/5.5)
-nerfed War Cry stat bonus (20/30/40/50 to 12/18/24/30)

-improved Grappling Hook animation
-removed Holy Shock's shock animation
-changed Mind Sap icon to its original one
-changed Flame Contraption icon
-changed Scorpion's ability hotkeys
-renamed Polar Furbolg Shaman to Polar Furbolg Mystic (an existing hero is named Shaman)
-renamed Holy Knight to Holy Champion (an existing hero is named Knight)
-changed a few heroes' proper names (those of Abomination, Druid of the Talon, Meat Wagon, Spell Breaker, Sphinx [was Obsidian Statue], and Tauren)


  1. The witch doctor needs an balancing, cause is very easy kill one creep lvl25 using 2nd spell that takes away 10% of life for second.
    Using it is technical I am rich quickly.
    Witch Doctor lvl14 it kills easily one creep(boss) lvl25.
    I hope to have helped.

  2. We might make that ability be unable to affect bosses.


Latest version available for download at The Hive Workshop.