Sunday, August 3, 2008

v0.91 Changelog

Version 0.91 did not introduce as many new features as the past few versions, but it did have many changes to existing gameplay and balance. The gold and xp gain rates were just too high, especially in Short Mode (-sm), which was automatically selected. Now the gold income rate has been reduced by 33%, while xp requirements increase in later levels. Hero kills will now give significantly more xp.

Speaking of hero kills, the gold loss and respawn time penalties were not nearly harsh enough for dying to have a significant impact. The repsawn time is increased by 33% and the gold loss penalty per level is also 33% higher, and is even more costly at the early levels because a base was added.

Because Outpost towers were relatively easy to destroy, and their magic damage barely left a scratch on a decently leveled hero, their damage is increased by 100% against heroes. This alleviates the Outpost backdooring problem as well.

This version also resolved several balance issues. Most of the changes were minor, but the Conjurer underwent much needed nerfs, especially on its Life Orb and Conjure Potion abilities. The ultimate was improved slightly though. The Hydra Hatchling had its Poisonous Spit duration lowered by 60%; however, he does not lose stats on death from Mutating Growth anymore. Other than these two heroes, most had only small changes.

A new item, the Charm of Prosperity, can be upgraded from the basic item Charm of Wealth. The Circlet of Nobility costs slightly more, but the Keg of Ale costs more or less the same, with a decreased recipe price.

A few animations and special effects were added.

v0.91 Changelog

-decreased income gold rate (2 per 1.5 sec on normal, 4 per 1.5 sec on Short Mode, down from 3 and 6 respectively)
-increased the amount of xp required for each level, increased xp from hero kills
-increased hero respawn time (1.5x level to 2x level)
-increased the amount of gold lost on death (30x level to 200 + 40x level)
-All-Pick mode is built-in now
-Short Mode is not automatically selected anymore
-improved lane creep upgrades in Only Mid mode when a barrack falls
-improved tower upgrades for outpost towers, also increased their damage vs heroes (100% to 200%)
-increased power of bosses
-added a super-boss, a Sea Giant Behemoth, that has the same spawn chance as normal bosses after 30 minutes have passed (it will not spawn before then)
-normalized all melee heroes' range to 100

-fixed Only Mid (-om) mode to not always spawn special creeps in the center lane
-fixed Command quest to give a proper list
-fixed Epidemic to reinfect properly with Putrid Odor
-fixed Lift Off to increase movespeed properly
-fixed Mega Bolt to deal correct damage
-fixed Regurgitate to launch corpse before death when it deals fatal damage to self

-improved Huntress base intelligence (19 to 23)
-nerfed Spirit of Vengeance strength (16 + 1.6/level to 1.4 + 1.4/level)
-nerfed Troll Beserker strength growth (1.5/level to 1.3/level)

-nerfed Accelerating Warp cast range (750/900/1050/1200/1350 to 600/725/850/975/1100)
-improved Avatar bash chance increase (4/8/12/16% to 6/12/18/24%)
-changed Bank account to increase gold even when the Merchant is dead
-nerfed Battle Roar cooldown (60 to 80)
-nerfed Conjure Potion restoration (cut in half to 2x str + 1x agi hp, 2x int + 1x agi mana), reduced potion sell cost (50 to 25)
-improved Demonic Curse interval damage (40/50/60/70/80 to 50/60/70/80/90)
-nerfed Divine Empowerment cooldown (60 to 80)
-improved Fire Wave distance (700 to 900)
-improved Gold Stash bonus damage cap (25/50/75/100/125 to 30/60/90/120/150)
-nerfed Impaling Spear cooldown (10 to 12)
-nerfed Life Orb cooldown (15 to 30), increased number of orbs gained (1 to 2)
-changed Liquid Fire to not slow unit attacks, buildings are still affected
-changed Mutating Growth to not lose stats on death
-nerfed Nether Strike initial damage (60/100/140/180/220 to 40/60/80/100/120)
-nerfed Poisonous Spit duration (5 to 2)
-improved Refill orbs gained (3/4/5/6 to 4/5/6/7)
-nerfed Regurgitate (dmg to self 200/300/400/500 to 300/450/600/750)
-nerfed Shadowsight damage multiplier (4/5/6/7 to 3/4/5/6), decreased mana cost (150/200/250/300 to 150/175/200/225)
-improved Silk Trail halt duration (.25 sec to .75 sec per segment)
-improved Skinkapult's Launch cooldown (10 to 5) at the cost of the build cooldown (14 to 20)
-changed Soul Barrage cooldown (100/85/70/55 to 90/90/90/90) and damage to buildings (30% to 50%)
-improved Torture Chamber damage per second (70 to 85)
-improved Web area of effect (250 to 275)
-nerfed Winter's Bane cooldown (100 to 120)

-added new recipe item Charm of Prosperity (upgrade for Charm of Wealth)
-changed Talisman of Evasion icon
-increased Circlet of Nobility cost (450 to 550)
-reduced Keg of Ale combination cost (650 to 500)

-added an animation for Speed Drain
-added a special effect for Blazing Agility
-added a special effect for Holy Shock, also changed its shock interval from 2 to 3 sec, retaining the same dps
-changed Mistress of Pain attack missile
-changed Fire Wave animation
-changed Infiltrate lightning animation
-added new model for Helicopter's Lift Off
-added Gargoyle on Orb exception list
-renamed Spirit Walker's proper name (Storm Shadow to Stormy)
-clarified Hemorrhage tooltip that it will refresh if the unit is attacked


  1. Nice work on SMotA! Even if it's not as balanced as it's big brother, it's really fun to play.

    Since I don't know where to post bugs and stuff, I'll do it here.

    * The Raider's bleed ability does slow on lvl 1-3, which is ok, but it stops any enemys (0% ms) on lvl 4. I don't know if it occurs every game, but when it bugs once, it bugs all the time in a game.

  2. Balance issues:
    ~ The Lightning Ball of 'Crackle' the Satyr Thundercaller is pretty strong. On lvl4 it kills a lvl29 hero easily. I would make it unmoveable. Currently you can't flee from it, it is quicker than you.

    ~ The Spirit Bear of 'Sattron' (Druid of the Claw) can move everywhere. You can be at two lanes at once (the bear is at one lane and you are on the other). Also, the bear is very strong in early- / mid-game, when it is lvl3 or lvl4. You can sneak up to heros with your bear while you are bashing creeps at your lane. You can creep (neutral creeps) with your bear to gain money. You can easily take control of the observatories. The bear is even strong enough to backdoor outposts if the tower is <100%.
    Normally such issues are solved by teleporting the bear near your hero when your hero is too far away.

  3. I didn't think of it before, but this is actually a nice place to post stuff. Our old forums have practically a nil chance of going back up, so I guess this will act as a forum for now (or for longer if it works well).

  4. Suggestion:
    Is possible in SMotA 6v6 players?

  5. -AR caused team 2 to not receive heroes, except for pink.

  6. I am anxious for the new version

  7. The hero kill XP bounty is ridiculous. I killed a level 3 (I think) hero at level 3 and leveled up to level 6. WTF? There are problems with feeders now. Perhaps keep the gold bounty at the level it is, but reduce the XP bounty some?

  8. Mutation can level way too quickly, in fact, all hero killers can, making other heroes futile. Spirit of Vengeance needs to be completely redone... she can blink map-wide? No. That's unfair.

  9. Yeah when I was upping the hero kill xp from .90 to .91 I accidentally increased it by 300% instead of 30%... oops.

    Btw Spirit of Vengeance's blink is temporary; she gets teleported back after a few seconds.


Latest version available for download at The Hive Workshop.