Monday, September 1, 2008

v0.93 Changelog

Version 0.93 features many new abilities, including a new hero and several remakes. Three new modes were added as well:

Arena Mode (-am): This adds a new victory condition of 50 total kills on either team. In addition, dying is not as harmful in this mode, as no gold will be lost and respawn will take 1-2 seconds, which is relatively instant.

Ultra Short Mode (-us): A beefed up version of Short Mode (-sm), this doubles xp gain rate, triples income gold, and causes non-outpost towers to have half hp.

Unlimited Repick Mode (-ur): Added as a fun mode, this allows a player to repick a hero every 60 seconds, and to prevent certain spell abuses, ahero cannot be picked twice in 60 seconds. Thanks to KavuChameleon for the suggestion.

The new version reduced the gold lost on death significantly in the early game, where two or three deaths could have effectively ended the game. The formula changed from 100 + 40x level to 15x level + level*level, or 15x level + level-squared. This way, the gold lost in the early game is minimal, but the amount climbs back up to that in the old formula and surpasses it just at level 29.

A new hero, the Priestess of the Moon, was added. The Priestess is agility-based, but does have useful spells. Its Moonfire deals small initial damage followed by damage over time, and its duration is longer than its cooldown. The damage over time does stack with a second cast for the time they overlap. It also has Starlight Arrows, which passively increases the Priestess's damage percentage-wise. Elune's Grace is also passive and grants a decent protection from magic as well as increased movement speed. Finally, its ultimate Shooting Star allows the Priestess to deal area of effect damage consistently, as the spell has very short cooldown.

The Mistress of Pain received a substantial makeover, with 3 of its abilities replaced. Curse of Pain is now Instant Pain, which deals damage instantly as the name suggests. Torture Chamber is now Mind Torture, also dealing instant damage, based on the target's mana rather than hp, as Instant Pain does. The ultimate, Wave of Pain to Pain Spike, now affects a single target, and reduces its current hp by a percentage for only a short duration. However, in conjunction with the Mistress's other new spells, a single cast of Pain Spike followed by Instant Pain and Mind Torture can kill a weaker hero at full hp. Pain Spike has a very long cooldown.

Another changed hero is the Druid of the Claw. Instead of summoning a Spirit Bear, it can now morph into Bear Form, with increased hp, damage, and hp regeneration at the cost of losing its ranged attack and a slight amount of movement speed. It also loses the ability to cast Rejuvenate in Bear Form. However, Bear Form allows the Druid to use Lacerate, a melee damage spell. Lacerate has a low cooldown and mana cost. The level of Lacerate depends on the level of Rejuvenation learned.

Storm Panda collected 2 new spells as well. Its old Insta-Storm ability is now Seeker Lightning, which launches a lightning bolt at the nearest visible hero in an aoe determined by the level of the ability. When maxed out, it has very long range and packs a substantial amount of damage. Ubersphere is now Flicker, which allows the Storm Panda to blink around. Flicker has low range but also a very short cooldown.

Arcane Curse, Holy Shield, Obsidian Armor, and Shield of the Lich King (on Arcane Wizard, Footman, Sphinx, and Death Knight) were replaced with Lower Resist, Counter, Spirit Hull, and Lich King's Pact respectively. More information about these can be found below in the changelog or in the game itself.

Numerous individual ability changes occurred for balancing as well; those should be self-explanatory.

A new early-game item, Thoughtcast, was added. It grants a mana regeneration aura and gives mana whenever the user is attacked. Glass of Beer was nerfed slightly, and Thunderlizard Diamond, considerably.

The usual bug fixing and miscellaneous improvements continued as well.

v0.93 Changelog

-added new hero: Priestess of the Moon (High Elf)
-reduced gold lost on death on earlier levels: 100 + 40x level to 15x level + level*level, i.e. lvl 1 loses only 16 gold (as opposed to 140), lvl 15 loses 450, lvl 29 loses 1276 (just 16 more than 1260 in the old formula)
-reduced power of mega creeps a bit; removed movement speed upgrade from creeps
-added game mode Arena Mode (-am): 50 total kills to win; instant respawn; no gold lost on death; can still win normally

-added game mode Ultra Short Mode (-us): 200% xp; 300% gold; 50% tower hp

-added game mode Unlimited Repick Mode (-ur): can repick with a 60 second interval; requires full hp and mana; a hero cannot be chosen more than once per minute; randoming is disabled

-fixed some minor sliding issues with Accelerating Warp, Overrun, and Sand Slide
-fixed Gushing Blade level 4 issue
-fixed Lethal Injection damage and buff icon
-fixed Poison Blade, Poison Spears, Poison Spit, and Venom to get the kill properly
-fixed an issue with Gushing Blade
-fixed Winter Bane tooltip

-reworked Mistress of Pain with 3 new abilities (Curse of Pain -> Instant Pain, Torture Chamber -> Mind Torture, Wave of Pain -> Pain Spike)
-reworked Druid of the Claw with 2 new abilities (Spirit Bear -> Bear Form, Rejuvenation -> Lacerate [only in Bear Form; Rejuvenation is still usable in Druid Form])
-reworked Storm Panda with 2 new abilities (Insta-Storm -> Seeker Lightning, Ubersphere -> Flicker)

-replaced Arcane Curse with Lower Resist: reduces a target's magic resistance for a short time (does not make target ethereal)
-replaced Holy Shield with Counter: gives a chance to reflect damage taken
-replaced Obsidian Armor with Spirit Hull, which has a similar effect but is passive and only applies to self
-replaced Shield of the Lich King with Lich King's Pact: gives movement bonus and heals slightly when taking damage below 33% hp

-nerfed Chaos Peon towers' base attack time (.40 -> .45)
-nerfed Hematologist strength
-nerfed Mountain Giant, Royal Guard, and Warlock stats slightly

-changed Crippling Void, Curse of Weakening, and Death and Decay to not affect bosses

-improved Assassin's Blade slightly (.2/.3/.4/.5/.6 to .3/.4/.5/.6/.7 dmg per % hp missing)
-nerfed Battle Roar to give only the damage bonus, improved damage bonus at early levels (25/50/75/100% to 40/60/80/100%)
-nerfed Blizzard slow (40/50/60/70% to 40/45/50/55%), nerfed cooldown (140/115/90/65 to 120 sec)
-nerfed Conflagrate damage (300/500/700/900 + 5/10/15/20% max hp to 200/300/400/500 + 6/12/18/24% max hp)
-increased Conjure Tome requirement of Life Orbs (7/6/5/4/3 to 8/7/6/5/4)
-improved Corrupted Greed attack speed bonus (5/10/15/20/25% to 15/30/45/60/75%), removed movespeed bonus
-added a new effect to Cripple: units who attack the Crippled target steal a portion of the target's current hp (3%)
-improved Crow Form movement bonus (7/14/21/28/35% to 10/20/30/40/50%)
-improved Demonic Charge damage (100/125/150/175/200 to 100/150/200/250/300), improved stun (1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2 to 1/1.4/1.8/2.2/2.6)
-improved Devour cooldown (45/40/35/30/25 to 35/30/25/20/15)
-nerfed Enrage heal (15/30/45/60/75 to 10/20/30/40/50)
-improved Faerie Fire cooldown (20 to 15)
-improved Fire Aura life regen decrease (1/2/3/4/5 to 3/6/9/12/15)
-nerfed Ghost Form magic damage amplifier (1.5 to 1.4), cast damage (90/135/180/225/270 to 60/90/120/150/180), and cooldown (9 to 12)
-nerfed Hemorrhage dps (8/16/24/32/40 to 5/10/15/20/25), added 8/16/24/32/40 initial damage
-nerfed Ice Magic cooldown (6 to 8 sec)
-nerfed Ice Slam cooldown (9 to 12 sec)
-nerfed Incinerate target dmg (100/175/250/325/400 to 80/150/220/290/360)
-decreased Life Orb max hp requirement for extra orb (1000 to 750)
-nerfed Lightning Ball movespeed (522 to 200)
-improved Mind Blast base damage (20/40/60/80/100 to 40/80/120/160/200)
-nerfed Phantom Scream slow (15/30/45/60/75% to 20/25/30/35/40%)
-decreased Rage self-damage amount (str to str/2)
-improved Refill number of Life Orbs gained (4/5/6/7 to 5/6/7/8), reduced mana cost (400/500/600/700 to 400), reduced cd (150 to 150/140/130/120)
-nerfed Shadowfury cooldown (10 to 13), nerfed aoe (275 to 225)
-increased Sludge Composition self slow (10% to 15%)
-changed Steal to not be an auto-cast ability
-nerfed Touch of God dmg/heal in early game (90/180/270/360/450 to 60/120/180/240/300 + 2x int)
-nerfed Toxic Stew aoe (900 to 500)
-nerfed Winter Bolt leech (2x to 1x normal leech)
-improved Words of Wisdom cooldown (12 to 9 sec)

-added new item: Thoughtcast, an early game mana regeneration item
-reduced Charm of Wealth cost (1000 to 600)
-added a new effect on Charm of Prosperity: -25% gold lost on death
-reduced Ice Claws combination cost (1000 to 650)
-reduced Keg of Ale combination cost (500 to 425)
-reduced Mask of the Vampire combination cost (2000 to 1550)
-reduced Ring of the Archmagi combination cost (1500 to 1150)
-nerfed Glass of Beer stat bonus (15 to 10; still gains +1 on hero kills), nerfed armor bonus (10 to 5)
-nerfed Thunderlizard Diamond damage (250/400/550/700/850 to 250/350/450/550/650), increased cooldown (15 to 60)

-added new icons for Bank Account, Shadow Lich, and Skinkapult
-renamed a few of Sphinx's abilities
-improved Earth Revenant model attachments


  1. Blue may be have experience rate reduced. Not really sure though

  2. Potm was fun, but by the end of the game I was doing 400 damage per hit, attacking multiple times per second (which is true of most agi heros, I don't think she needs nerfed atm). Meaning her ~400 dot served absolutely no purpose, unless the victim had way more armor/evasion/blind than they had spell resist.

    Off the top of my head, I think it's the only nuke in the game (other than Arcane Wizard ult) that doesn't do aoe/slow/stun/silence/%life/scalewithherostats/etc.

    Blinding the target 5+5% maybe?

  3. Yeah I did completely trigger the ability, so it shouldn't be hard to have it scale with agi or int, etc.

    Maybe have the dot part deal 1/1.5/2/2.5/3x int over time? The initial damage could be buffed slightly so it doesn't deal like 50 dmg total at level 1.

  4. I think -ur does not work. I was in -ar -sm mode, and -ur just did nothing.

  5. Playing as druid in crow form, after death, respawned as druid but with height. I CAN FLY!

  6. Bandit's ult still references "Vigor." Diabolist is in need of a nerf.

  7. -ur and -ar are currently incompatible with each other.

    For druid, you can't attack while in flight form, the only "glitch" is in the animation and does not affect gameplay whatsoever.

    Haha I guess Vigor wasn't taken out completely...

  8. I think -ar and -ur should be compatible. Then it's like roulette :3.

    Also, the Storm Panda's Energized Release seems to trigger Seeker even when on cooldown (heard this from an opponent, not sure how the hero works).

  9. The Jungle Stalker's ultimate is too powerful, and overall his DPS is a bit too high. Instead of a Jungle Stalker, he's more of a Jungle Rape Cannon.

  10. The Shadow Priest needs a big buff. The Void Walker needs a slight nerf. The Dryad's crits should hit a very small percent less often.

  11. The Fire Panda needs a huge buff. He has incredibly low stats and very bad spells.

  12. Well, Fire Panda's passive ability, Fire Aura, doesn't even work correctly in v0.93. When .94 is done the hero will be stronger without tweaking any stats.

    Shadow Priest and some other heroes are undergoing slight changes.


Latest version available for download at The Hive Workshop.