Monday, September 22, 2008

New SMotA Forum

Thank you brusz for creating a new forum for SMotA! The link is:

Please post SMotA feedback, suggestions, ideas, etc. in the new forum. I encourage even those of you who are using Hive's SMotA group to use this forum as much of the time as possible when discussing SMotA. Forums are easier to read and are more organized than a single-thread Hive group discussion. If you have a version-specific issue, then posting a comment on this blog is acceptable as well.

Have fun!


  1. To be honest, that's an awful site. Why doesn't it run a more conventional BBS, like phpBB or SMF?

  2. i have the smota maps but can hardly find a game. its much better than dota.


Latest version available for download at The Hive Workshop.