Saturday, July 12, 2008

Corpulent the Abomination

Corpulent is a disgusting assemblage of corpses; even its allies sometimes despise the stench that follows. The Abomination is able to eat and digest units alive, adding to its own power. It also has the ability to infect enemies with a particularly infective strain of disease, causing not only the target to suffer, but those who pass by him as well. Corpulent has little regard for its own well being - it was seen by a High Elf scouting force to spit out an entire corpse, perhaps one from the Abomination's own innards, and with such force to immediately knock out his adversary. Since then they have learned to avoid this odious thing.

Affiliation: Demons
HP: 717
Mana: 168
Primary: Strength
Str: 27 + 3.1
Agi: 16 + 1.6
Int: 12 + 1.3
Range: 128
Speed: 295

The Abomination has an extraordinary amount of starting health, in fact, the highest of all heroes, and also a high strength gain. He can eat units to increase his strength further. It is recommended to buy a mana item for the early game since he does have 3 active abilities to use with not a lot of mana (although the mana costs are not particularly high).

Consume [C]
Consumes an enemy unit, digesting it slowly at the rate of 50 health per second. If the Abomination is killed while consuming, the consumed unit will be released. If the consumed unit had the Epidemic debuff, the Abomination will heal from consuming. Upon fully consuming a unit, the Abomination will gain 1 strength. Does not work on heroes or creeps above level 6.

Level 1 - 5 hp/sec heal
Level 2 - 10 hp/sec heal
Level 3 - 15 hp/sec heal
Level 4 - 20 hp/sec heal
Level 5 - 25 hp/sec heal

Cooldown: 90/75/60/45/30
Mana Cost: 150/120/90/60/30

Consume is a very appetizing ability, but experienced players will wait until this is at a higher level to use. Firstly it has a high mana cost at lower levels, and the Abomination does not start out with much mana in the first place, and secondly, the cooldown is too long to use on a regular basis. And in the early game, it is more important to stay alive and harass opponents in your lane anyways; Epidemic is often the first choice among Abomination players. However, Consume can be powerful in the late game since the Abomination can easily build up strength.

Epidemic [E]
Infects the target unit with an epidemic, dealing damage over time. If one of the infected unit's allies comes in close contact with it, the ally will also become infected and can in turn infect other allies. Lasts 9 seconds.

Level 1 - 9 damage per second
Level 2 - 18 damage per second
Level 3 - 27 damage per second
Level 4 - 36 damage per second
Level 5 - 45 damage per second

Cooldown: 18
Mana Cost: 75

The skill that the Abomination is known for, Epidemic is a great early game hero harassing ability that still retains power in the late game against large creep waves. This is especially deadly if the opponent does not know how Epidemic works! Beginners have often died to a single cast of a level 1 Epidemic, because they stay right next to an infected unit, and right as the buff would have worn off, they are reinfected due to staying too close. When you are infected, you should run to a less crowded area, preferably to the side of your lane, away from your own creeps. This is how ranged heroes should respond, but melee heroes should just stay back and try not to become infected.

Putrid Odor [P]
Slows nearby enemies' attack and movement speeds in a 300 aoe. Also causes already-infected units in this range to become reinfected with Epidemic.

Level 1 - 5% slow
Level 2 - 10% slow
Level 3 - 15% slow
Level 4 - 20% slow
Level 5 - 25% slow

Putrid Odor is similar to the Firelord's Exhaustion ability, although with a smaller area and a more dramatic slow. This skill is also useful for its Epidemic reinfecting effect, allowing the Abomination to keep his opponents infected by walking near them. Unfortunately this cannot be used to infect normal, healthy units, but the slow effect does help the Abomination chase. Expert players tend to max Epidemic first.

Regurgitate [R]
The Abomination launches a heap of flesh at a target unit, causing damage to himself and to his opponent. This launch stuns the target for a short time and also infects or reinfects it with Epidemic.

Level 1 - 300 to self and target, 2 sec stun
Level 2 - 450 to self and target, 2.5 sec stun
Level 3 - 600 to self and target, 3 sec stun
Level 4 - 750 to self and target, 3.5 sec stun

Cooldown: 120
Mana Cost: 100/150/200/250

A recent addition, this ability essentially damages the Abomination by ejecting a piece of rotting flesh from it, which then hits a target unit, damaging and stunning it. In order to not suffer so much from the self inflicted damage, it is recommended that the player buy extra health items or use Epidemic on a nearby creep and promptly Consume it, as eating it will heal the Abomination. This can be used as both a chasing and finishing move, because even if it leaves the target with a few health, the Epidemic effect will soon destroy it. This is yet another reason to max Epidemic first.

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